Saturday, June 27, 2009

Portraits ...

I've been wanting to paint more portraits - here are some from past commissions - more on the way!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Yves April, Lynn Derriman, and Linda Nease - London

Lynn, Yves, and Linda; paintings by Yves; photo by Brigitte Miller
February 16 '09, just after the snow melted, we hung our exhibit "Gardens Bright" at the Chelsea Old Town Hall, London. A week of sharing paintings, stories, gallery and museum visits, and generally enjoying ourselves and each other followed.
Coming from California I had but 4 paintings available, but Lynn and Yves showed the many colors of southern France, where they both live.

My paintings in the show:

'Bird of Paradise' 24x20in
'Koi Pond, Monaco' 30x36in

'Echinacea' 24x20in

'Château de Gourdon' 20x24in

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Linda in the Berkeley Art Center

'Clifton and Louise' 24x18 in

...I had a painting from my "Family Matters" series showing at the Berkeley Art center's
Members' Showcase
December 14, 2008 - January 25, 20092