Friday, May 30, 2008

Illuminations of Detroit - ARTterre

Detroit 1936 #1, 36"x30"

There are images that connect to my gut, that make me want to go deeper and get to know more --- by focusing, exploring, meditating on the images, I decide to illuminate from my point of view --- with paint.

Detroit 1936 #2

I was able to show these paintings at Galleria Zero in Barcelona with the artists of ARTterre: Yves April, Sabrina Bueno, Eric Dedebant, Lynn Derriman, Thomas Hagdahl, Tjasa Iris, and me, Linda Nease.

Detroit 1936 #3,

ARTterre, photo by Brigitte Miller
April 28 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Linda Nease - Paintings

Pu uhonua o Honaunau, 40"x60" acrylic on canvas

Painting the last few months has taken me to Hawaii in November 2007 and January 2008, and to Southern France and Barcelona in April
the Big Island was glorious - I enjoyed it's spirituality, the flora, and the weather!
Coconuts #1, 30"x30"
Coconuts #2, 30"x30"